Jan Rybnicek (Honza)
Victoria's Secret, 160x150cm, Acryl on canvas, 2021
Schwanzstolzer, 220x160cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2020
Taubenhaus, 160x150cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2020
Dovolenkár, 65x40cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2020
Hanging Garden, 250x190cm, acrylic on canvas, 2020
Two women on my back (lobotomy), 250x200cm, acrylic on canvas, 2020
Way up, 250x190cm, comb.tech. on canvas, 2020
Stoned, 175x150cm, acrylic on canvas,2020
Kids,170x150cm, acrylic on canvas,2020
Kitten with flowers, 270x380cm, comb tech. on canvas,2019
Gletscherquelle, Acryl on canvas, 2019
Brotherhood, 120x160cm, acryl on canvas 2019
Fatherhood, 60x45cm, acryl on canvas, 2019
Holiday, 60x45cm, acryl on canvas, 2019
Cuddling, 200x140cm,comb.tech on canvas,2018
Saint John the Baptist, 200x140cm,comb.tech on canvas,2018
Through and through, 200x140cm,comb.tech on canvas,2018
Next to me, 200x140cm,comb.tech on canvas, 2019
Forbes, (Julian Spiel), 200x140cm, comb. Tech on canvas, 2018
Owl and circuses (Strigiformes et circenses), 60x45cm, acrylic on canvas, 2018
Ghost Dog (magician), 195×175cm, acrylic on canvas, 2018
der Reisser(Trhanec), 140x130, acryl on canvas, 2018
Ich bin hier nicht allein, 140x130, acrylic and spray on canvas, 2018
Unicorn, Anycorn, Polycorn, 3x 195x175xm Oil on canvas, 2017/18
Polycorn, 195x175cm, oil on canvas, 2018
Anycorn, 195x175cm, oil on canvas, 2017
Unicorn, 195x175, Oil on canvas, 2017
Shining, 18x18cm, acrylic on canvas, 2018
Jahresausstellung 2017
Collector, 270x380cm, buntlack on canvas, 2017
Recalculation(Insider IV), 75x80cm,acryl and spray on canvas, 2017
Büro, 65x40cm, acryl and spray on canvas, 2017
Copyright, 65x40cm, acryl and spray on canvas, 2017
Freundschaft, 65x40cm, acryl and spray on canvas, 2017
Schleckerei, 65x40cm, acryl and spray on canvas, 2016
black balls hunters, 170x150cm, acryl and spray on canvas, 2017
Neue Rasse, 175x190cm, Acryl and spray on canvas, 2017
Why do you slap yourself?II, 160x120cm, spray on canvas, 2016
Confused fellow, 150x160cm, acryl and spray on canvas, 2016
Friendly coloration, 65x50cm, acryl and spray on canvas, 2016
Why do you slap yourself?, 85x75cm, acryl and spray on canvas, 2016
o.t., 70x80cm, acryl and spray on canvas, 2016
Clown,130x150cm, acryl and spray on canvas, 2016
Reconciliation, 140x140cm, lack on canvas, 2016
Purple green, 180x220cm, acryl and spray on canvas, 2016
Zuzla fisch, 120x100cm, acryl and spray on canvas, 2016
Bath, 130/140cm, acryl and spray on canvas, 2016
Bro, 130x130cm, acryl on canvas, 2015
o.t.(triangl), 175x195, acryl and spray on canvas, 2015
teen, 270x190cm, buntlack on canvas, 2015
Insider, 55x75cm, acryl on canvas, 2015
Open in the boat, 75x85cm, acryl, spray and pigment on canvas, 2015
Lord, 160x150cm, comb. tech on canvas, 2014
Durch die Nacht mit Lachtan, 150x160cm, buntlack on canvas, 2014
Lotos Wildschwein, 135x125cm, buntlack on canvas
(high five), 50x140cm, buntlack on canvas, 2015
póren, 24x30cm, collage and oil on desk, 2014
blue barn, 160x150cm, acryl on canvas, 2014
schmetterling, 95x75cm, buntlack on canvas, 2014
o.t., 70x50cm, acryl and spray on canvas, 2014
spring theme 4, 55x75cm, acryl and spray on canvas, 2014
spring theme 3, 55x75cm, acryl and spray on canvas, 2014
spring theme 2, 55x75cm, acryl and spray on canvas, 2014
spring theme 1, 55x75cm, acryl and spray on canvas, 2014
K., 15x10cm, oil on paper, 2014
![](http://www.flachware.de/up/load/Comfort,2x 80x75cm, comb. tech on canvas_1389782458.jpg)
Comfort,2x 80x75cm, comb. tech on canvas,2013
Line,30x70cm, acryl on canvas, 2013
Knowledge, 140x130cm, acryl on canvas, 2014
Cloud,140x130xm, acryl on canvas, 2013
Kaspar / Salajka / Rybnicek – V lese vesele (Happily in the Wood)
Nová galerie, April 16, 2015 – May 17, 2015, Curator: Martin Mainer
Kutna Hora, Czech Republic
Jan Rybnicek (Honza)
born:20.06. 1988, Nové Mesto na Morave, Czech Republic
2012-…now: Munchen Art Academy, prof. M. Oehlen
2011: Stay in Lisboa – Faculty of Fine Arts, prof. I. Salteiro, C. Vidal
2009-2013: Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno, prof. M. Mainer, L. Rathouský
2006-2009: High school of art and design in Brno, Painting, ak. mal. P. Veselý
2019 Diploma, AdbK München
Solo exhibition:
2011 Himmelherrgott, Sausalito, Brno
2011 RUF(with Fabian Schoog), Roof, Lisboa
2013 Stumme sieger (with Judith Grassl), Munikat, Munchen
2013 Weissbier,Galerie ckf, Munchen
2014 One flew over the nest(with Judith Grassl), Slévárna Vankovka, Brno
2017 Mezi druhy, Galerie Felixe Jeneweina, Kutná Hora
2019/20 Osobni soused(Personal Neighbour) with Elias Dolejsi, Nova galerie, Prague
Colective exhibition:
2009-Nominated to ARS kontakt, Dominikánská 1, Brno
2010 Brno ist Berlin Berlin ist Brno, Aula Favu
2011 Pokracuj, Galerie Chodovská tvrz, Praha 4.
2011 Lets GAZE,Mestske Divadlo Brno
2012 23. Auktion exhibition, Munchen Art Academy
2013 Jahresausstellung Adbk München
2014 Der Schmetterling im Wandel der Zeit zu Gast im Sitzungssaal, Adbk München
2015 V lese vesele, Nová galerie, Praha
2015 Galerie Robert Weber "Oehlen Maschine 2"
2015 "Kleines Atmen" Adbk München
2015 Der kleine Würger, Pniks Garage München
2015 Animals in art, galerie dolmen, Praha
2016 "Kritische Massenausstellung" Kunstarkaden, München
2016 Art Prague 2016 (Nová galerie)
2016 Under my Thumb, Neu West Berlin
2016 Schwabinger 7, Nova galerie, Praha
2016 XVI.Symposium of contemporary art, Galerie Felixe Jeneweina, Kutná Hora
2016 50.auction- of Modern and contemporary art Galerie Dolmen, Topicuv salon, Praha
2016 Go for Art, Galerie U Prstenu, Praha
2016 Andi/y Wand AdbK München
2016 26. Auktion der Akademie, München
2016 "Apropospropofol", AdbK München
2016 „Mjunik Gallery feat Klasse Oehlen“, Café am Hochhaus, München
2017 Additions to collection(2011-2016), Galerie Felixe Jeneweina, Kutná Hora
2017 Kunstpavillon München - Tiefes Loch auf Teppich
2017 Meanwhile, in the forest, Tschechisches Zentrum München
2017 Auf der Suche nach dem Garten Eden, Domagkpark, München
2018 Wildnis.Eis.Luft.,(with Judith Grassl, Esther Weinhold), Haus 10. Fürstenfeldbruck
2018 Anathomy of a fairy tail, Pörnbach
2019 Diploma show, AdbK München
2019 Boys and Girls, Nova galerie, Praha
2019 Die Blüte der Präzision, Galerie Alte Brennerei, Kunstverein Ebersberg
2019 New Kids on the Block, Halle 50, München
2019/20 Personal Neighbour, Nova galerie, Praha
2020 Sympozium Benedikt, Most
2020 MalSo13 Zeigt Ziel und Maß, Galerie der Künstler, München
Werke in Sammlungen:
Collection of City Gallery Felix Jenewein, Kutná Hora
Studium an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste in München
2012. Klasse Oehlen.
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