Februar 2020

September 2019

It is a human and creative experience carried by a spirit of discovery, experimentation, sharing. And the reed will be the pretext here.
This workshop proposes an encounter with a material, a country, a culture, men and their craftsmanship, with the only objective to generate the conditions of a creative emulation where the practices of artists, craftsmen and designers meets.
During this week of creation, you will be accompanied by Emmanuel Lacoste. Visual & performance artist, contemporary jeweller, teacher, curator…
In the heart of the Berber village of Oumnass, 26 kilometers from Marrakech in Morocco.
A haven of peace in the middle of the Marrakchia countryside, conducive to creation, daydreaming and rest that are necessary to stimulate exchanges.
And in order to free the spirits, you can sleep and take all your meals on site.
Deadline for booking : August 15th.
For further details about the workshop and the registration process, please send an email to

These pieces, skulls and masks are the reflection of a dual quest for identity. The identity of the objects and that of the artist (mine).
The combination of techniques inspired by folk art are made up of a blend of ancestral symbolic references and materials from my everyday life as well as relics and other sacred objects preciously compiled.
I become one with them; I wrestle to the rhythm of my inner voice, seeking answers in the objects I create. When I return from this trying journey jewellery floats before me, as though emerging from Chaos, shouting its presence and demanding to know of me whence it comes.

Monstre Sans titre Noir, 2017
Necklace. Bones, cotton yarn, Recycled plastic, iron, synthetic yarn, lace

Monstre Sans Titre Blanc, 2017
Necklace. Bones, cotton yarn, Recycled plastic, fabric

Slull Eyes, 2017
Necklace. Transfer on parchemin, cotton yard, Recycled plastic

Pyrites'eyes, 2017
Collier. Transfer on parchemin, cotton yard, iron chain, Pyrite.

Skull, 2013
Installation. Goose eggs

More and more, it is the wild woman in me who expresses herself, drawing on my dark zones, feeding on my forbidden emotions, exploring my limits, flirting with the abject, the unspeakable. What fascinates her, revolts me; what disgusts me, seduces her.
The earth, the sky, beliefs, age old rites and legends are for her a vital space of artistic breath. In the shadow of reality, in the light of my fantasies.
Julia und die Schlange, 2012
Necklace. Pinecone, nylon cord, shakudo

Patte de loup,Wolf Paw, 2010
Arm. Recycled wolfskin, wooden bead, cord

En chemin, On the way, 2010
Necklace. Wood, lace, wolf teeth, cord

Aber Großmutter was hast du für ein entsetzlich großes Maul!, 2009
Necklace. Iron, lace, cord

Aber Großmutter was hast du für ein entsetzlich großes Maul!, 2009
Necklace. Shark teeth, lace, cord

Aber Großmutter was hast du für ein entsetzlich großes Maul!, 2009
Necklace. Shark teeth, lace, cord, mother of pearl

Aber Großmutter was hast du für ein entsetzlich großes Maul!, 2009
Necklace. Wolf teeth, lace, cord

Aber Großmutter was hast du für ein entsetzlich großes Maul!, 2009
Necklace. Shark teeth, lace, cord

"Des Wahnsinns fette beute", 2008
Pinakothek Der Modern (Museum of modern Art) in Munich

L'autopsie de la colère, Autopsy's anger, 2008
Brooches. Iron, paper, acrylic, nail, magnet

Sarg, 2007
Objekt. Jet, found doll

Muttertag, 2006
Necklace. Asphalt,onyx, pyrite, paper, linen fiber, wire

Trauerkern, 2006
Necklace. Parafin, shakudo, linen cord

La classe morte, The dead class. 2004
Brooches. Iron, resin, paper, magnet

Chasse-mouche, Fly-whisk, 2003
Ring. Horsetail, silver

Compagnes, 2003
Brooch. Iron, gold, magnet

Acceptation, 2003
Brooch. Iron, magnet

Protection, 2003
Brooch. Iron, horsetail, magnet

Studium an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste in München
2005. Klasse Künzli.
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