"Not to be seen" AR filter for Instagram is now available for iOS and Android.
More Info: http://florianfreier.de/nt2bsn
"Exploring the line between public and private spaces - Photographer Florian Freier has documented living spaces against Facebook profile pages" // Alphr Mag, Thomas McMullan, 02.2016
"Was sagt mehr über unsere Persönlichkeit aus: Der Wohnraum oder das Profil im Netz? Der Fotograf Florian Freier hat versucht das herauszufinden - Ein Einblick in die digitale und die physische Identität der Menschen" // Süddeutsche Zeitung, Sara Weber, 02.2016
"Spying on the Spies – With Google Maps (...) Freier didn’t take the photos, or even the screenshots featured in his elaborate composite images. All of them were pulled from a subfolder holding a thumbnail cache of every web page he visits." // WIRED.com, Jakob Schiller, 07.2015
"This provides an insight into how our data is handled by companies like Google. Visits are documented and saved in the browser cache, but then the information is broken up and stored in a nonsensical and abstract grid." // WIRED UK, Katie Collins, 07.2015
"Freier's images of secret data collection centers have a lot in common with the data that the NSA collects: They appear nonsensical at first, but they actually contain some meaningful information about the appearance of these sites." // Fast Company, Sophie Weiner, 06.2015
"Freier's series offers a meta-commentary on the automated tracking of individuals’ download histories and browser caches, revealing the online implications of Paglen’s appeal for surveillance transparency." // VICE creatorsproject, Sami Emory, 06.2015
"Talent leiht, Genie stiehlt. Für die Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe ein klarer Fall fürs Museum." // Monopol-Magazin, Sarah Elsing, 04.2012
"Florian Freier erzählt per Video, wie er durch Screenshots von Google Earth ein Lookalike von Gurskys Rennstrecken-Foto "Bahrain I" schuf." // Der Spiegel, Karin Schulze, 06.2014
"Florian Freier uses Google Earth to digitally tinker with Andreas Gursky’s monumental photographs (...) – Rather than heroes and masters, the exhibition tells of doubters, dissidents and renegades. Ebner has invited every conceivable party crasher." // FRIEZE Magazine, Kito Nedo, 06.2014
"A clever hack allows one young photographer to recreate a famous work, minus the price tag" // Fast Company, Cliff Kuang, 01.2010
"Florian Freier explores, hacks, thieves, exhibits, lays bare; he is sly fox and profiler in one person, and thus shows us the net of total documentation and its consequences." // Magazine L. Fritz, Urs Stahel, 08.2018
"Beeindruckend." // Süddeutsche Zeitung, Evelyn Vogel, 04.2018
Studium an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste in München
2002. Klasse Matthias Wähner.
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