Isabelle Tondre
curator and artist
based in Frankfurt/Offenbach a. M.

Talk + workshop
Talk: 8 December 2020, 5pm
Workshop: 9-10 December 2020, 2-5pm
Akademie der Bildenden Künste Munich
Between silence, nothingness, melancholia, fatigue and refusal – this lecture will attempt to reflect on the meaning of “production” and the absence thereof. Looking at different attitudes of withdrawal in the arts, we will think about whether or not these can become forms of resistance against an ever-expanding neoliberal capitalist system. What is “to do nothing” and how do we value it? These concerns will also be addressed on a more personal scale and can be discussed individually or as a group.
Invitation in the context of 'Intra-actions beyond the studio', lecture/workshop program from Klasse Pitz of guest artists and curators during Winter Semester 2020/2021. Organised by Diogo da Cruz.

with Man Rei (aka. Kristin Reiman)
2nd edition, performance – live-set
30 August 2020, 9pm
basis e.V. (online)
curated by Ben Livne-Weitzman and Isabelle Tondre
with the kind support of Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach and basis e.V. Frankfurt
Man Rei’s whispered sound pieces are to the ear what shine is to the eye: ephemeral moments of contemplation, hypnotic awakenings of hopes and doubts, uncertainties and desires. Echoing Tatiana Vdovenko’s intimate photographs which deal with times in isolation, Man Rei proposes a reflective session of tunes and rhythms this Sunday 30th August at 9pm.
Watch performance at


1st edition, solo exhibition
11 July – 30 August 2020
BOX project space
Schloßstraße 66, 63065 Offenbach am Main
curated by Ben Livne-Weitzman and Isabelle Tondre
with the kind support of Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach
BOX – the Glasfoyer turned exhibition space in the Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) Offenbach – holds its first show 'Außerhalb der Zeit' (Out of Time) with works by Tatiana Vdovenko. The exhibition takes place both inside the Glasfoyer and on the outdoor façade of the Isenburger Schloss, and will be open from July 10th until August 30th 2020.
In the current state of affairs, as the frameworks we depend on – exhibitions, fairs, school events and general social structures – are challenged, postponed and perhaps disappearing, the transparent glass box at the entrance to the school becomes an in-between space of appearance. Open but closed, safe but see-through, public but intimate, BOX will be hosting students from Prof. Martin Liebscher’s class to present works which communicate with the space and the charged contemporary moment.
Tatiana Vdovenko’s series began taking shape during the lockdown. The forced social distancing and the general feeling of disassociation and disillusionment with the world as a stable structure led her to explore her surrounding and expand her perspective. Her photographs could be seen as an aesthetic contemplation, a gentle yet sharp process of visual sense-making which mirrors the numbness and fragility of our times.
Tatiana Vdovenko (*1992 Krasnodar, Russia) studies in the class of Martin Liebscher at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach. She was nominated with honorable mention for her work ‘mails at midnight/stranded s.o.’ by the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation, in 2018. Recent exhibitions include ‘Die Künstler*innen sind anwesend’ at Zollamt Studios in Offenbach, ‘Nachtwandel’ in Mannheim (public space), ‘fail early and often’ at SAP in Walldorf (2019), and ‘Wut’ at the Klapperfeld police prison in Frankfurt (2018).
BOX – das zu Ausstellungsraum gewordene Glasfoyer der Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) Offenbach – präsentiert die erste Ausstellung 'Außerhalb der Zeit' mit Werken von Tatiana Vdovenko. Die Ausstellung findet sowohl im Glasfoyer als auch an der Außenfassade des Isenburger Schlosses statt und ist vom 10. Juli bis 30. August 2020 zu sehen.
In der gegenwärtigen Situation, in der die Rahmenbedingungen, auf die wir angewiesen sind – Ausstellungen, Messen, Schulveranstaltungen und allgemeine soziale Strukturen – in Frage gestellt, verschoben und vielleicht sogar aufgehoben werden, wird der transparente Glaskasten am Eingang der Schule zu einem Zwischenraum der Erscheinung. Offen aber geschlossen, sicher aber durchsichtig, öffentlich aber intim, wird BOX Student*innen von Prof. Martin Liebscher einladen, Arbeiten zu präsentieren, die mit dem Raum und dem aufgeladenen zeitgenössischen Moment in Dialog treten.
Die Serie von Tatiana Vdovenko begann während des 'Lockdowns'. Die erzwungene soziale Distanzierung und das allgemeine Gefühl der Entfremdung und Desillusionierung von der Welt als stabilem Gebilde veranlassten sie, ihre Umgebung zu erkunden und ihre Perspektive zu erweitern. Ihre Fotografien könnte man als ästhetische Kontemplation verstehen, als einen sanften und doch scharfen Prozess der visuellen Sinngebung, der die Taubheit und Zerbrechlichkeit unserer Zeit widerspiegelt.
Tatiana Vdovenko (*1992 Krasnodar, Russland) studiert bei Prof. Martin Liebscher an der Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach. Für ihre Arbeit 'mails at midnight/stranded s.o.' wurde sie 2018 von der Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation mit einer lobenden Erwähnung ausgezeichnet. Zu ihren letzten Ausstellungen gehören 'Die Künstler*innen sind anwesend' in den Zollamt Studios in Offenbach, 'Nachtwandel' in Mannheim (öffentlicher Raum), 'fail early and often' bei SAP in Walldorf (2019) und 'Wut' im Polizeigefängnis Klapperfeld in Frankfurt (2018).

Exhibition view: Out of Time, Tatiana Vdovenko
with Maximilian Arnold, Immanuel Birkert, Elisaveta Braslavskaja, Pia Ferm and Hilda Stammarnäs
initiated by Immanuel Birkert
June 2020
from 5th Floor, Frankfurt am Main (online)
poem by Isabelle Tondre
Time flies in this pending space.
Echoes from the new opera: the sound of the plays
and claps from the crowd still resonating behind the
bay windows, present in their absence.
The missing ladder leading to the roof-top, from which
twelve skyscrapers regulate the orange light onto the city,
now replaced by a sign reading ‘Betreten der Dachfläche
verboten’, black on white.
Sofa skeletons, broken bottles, cracks in the walls, dried
plants and moss in every corner.
Red-striped sunshades flapping in the wind, torn under
the weight of those puddles of water collected from the
rain, pressing on and dripping through the material.
An ecology of ants and nails, aphids and cigarette butts,
beer capsules and caterpillars gathering in dust heaps and
resting in flowerpots.
Spray paint mixing with the shadow of the baluster,
plastic ornaments of sparkling water melting in the sun,
boiling surfaces.
Re-dried wet cardboard, rotten rugs.
The silence of a giant vacuum on the roof of the building opposite,
revealing its incessant noise when finally turning off,
at 9 o’clock sharp.
Full documentation at
Immanuel Birkert, First Sun (1), 2020 (left) – Maximilian Arnold, PrePost (1), 2020 (right)
Immanuel Birkert, First Sun (1), 2020
Elisaveta Braslavskaja, Bud of Pale Lips (III), 2020
Pia Ferm, 50/50, 2020
Maximilian Arnold, PrePost (4), 2020
Immanuel Birkert, First Sun (2), 2020
Time Flies in This Pending Space – installation view

solo exhibition
12 – 16 September 2018
Basis project space, Frankfurt am Main
curated by Isabelle Tondre
with the kind support of air_frankfurt
Ifie sin (*1981) has been the selected air_frankfurt guest artist from Seoul at basis Frankfurt from July to September 2018. The exhibition concludes the three-month residency and presents amongst others her new video work "emotion of leg" and the installation "laboratory".
In Ifie Sin’s work, images are always to be perceived through a different type of filter: whether a microscope, a camera or the lens of a projector, her modes of transmission expose optically augmented and diminished realities. Beyond the act of looking, to observe means asking questions and seeking answers on the outside. Observing is also to comment, to formulate a critique, and can eventually open up to speculation and prediction. By wandering, collecting and noting, Ifie Sin relies on concrete facts and observation to build subjective, untold narratives. The title of the exhibition 'No matter how thick the glass' marks the limits of “looking” at reality through a single lens, and underlines the artist’s endeavour in her quest for alternative perceptions. Her films and installations unfold preoccupations around gender issues, social reclusion and exile in South Korea and elsewhere, passing through greatly different scales – from vast landscapes to micro skin pores (...).
A conversation between Ifie Sin, Isabelle Tondre and Laura Wünsche about the exhibition was published on Passe-Avant.
More information at
air_frankfurt is a cooperation between basis Frankfurt and the MMCA residency Goyang (Seoul, South Korea) and is funded by the City of Frankfurt.

Ifie Sin – No matter how thick the glass, installation view

Ifie Sin – No matter how thick the glass, installation view

Ifie Sin – No matter how thick the glass, installation view

Ifie Sin – No matter how thick the glass, installation view

Ifie Sin – No matter how thick the glass, installation view

Ifie Sin – No matter how thick the glass, installation view

with Simon Bilodeau, Michelle Bui, Katie Rotman, Isabelle Tondre
25 May – 5 June 2018
Pied Carré, Montréal
initiated by Isabelle Tondre
Existe-t-il un espace entre celui de l'atelier et de l'exposition? En art, le 'showroom' est souvent une extension du studio d'artiste, un lieu semi-privé pour 'tester' une oeuvre, la questionner et en discuter. Durant trois jours, quatre artistes et d'ateliers aux pratiques distinctes exposeront leur travail dans cet espace en suspens.

Exhibition view: Showroom, Simon Bilodeau, Isabelle Tondre, Katie Rotman

Exhibition view: Showroom, Isabelle Tondre

Exhibition view: Showroom, Simon Bilodeau and Isabelle Tondre

Exhibition view: Showroom, Isabelle Tondre
You'll be fine (2018), oil on paper, 100x68 cm

We are ok up to now (2018), oil on paper, 100x68 cm
with Florentin Berner, Stefanie Brehm, Diogo da Cruz, Adrian Duceac, Jean Erbelding, Anna Gölitz, Lou Jaworski, Yeon Soo Kim, Sebastian Klein, Jasmin Eghbaly, Isabelle Tondre, Valentin Pongratz, Kerstin Ullsperger
13 April – 17 April 2016
Akademie der Bildenden Künste Munich
with the kind support of Stiftung Kunstakademie München, Akademieverein München e.V., and Erwin und Gisela von Steiner Stiftung

Untitled (2016), oil on canvas, 30x30 cm

Anna Weidenhammer, Untitled (left) – Isabelle Tondre, Tv landscape I (right)

Isabelle Tondre, Lazy art piece I and II (left) – Anna Weidenhammer, Untitled (right)

Sideways I (2016), oil on wood, 30x30 cm

Untitled (2016), oil on wood, 30x30 cm

Ajar (2016), oil on wood, 30x30 cm

^O^ (2016), oil on wood, 30x30 cm

Exhibition view, Debütanten 2016

Dimanche 1-2 (2016) oil on wood, 70x58 cm
Practices of Non-Making (Nothing To Write Home About), lecture+workshop at Akademie der Bildenden Künste Munich
A Glimpse of Light in The Dark, An Evening Soundbath, with Man Rei (aka. Kristin Reiman), basis e.V., Frankfurt am Main (curated)
Tatiana Vdovenko – Out of Time, BOX project space, Offenbach am Main (curated)
Time Flies in This Pending Space, with Maximilian Arnold, Immanuel Birkert, Elisaveta Braslavskaja, Pia Ferm and Hilda Stammarnäs, 5th Floor, Frankfurt am Main (writing)
Ifie Sin – No Matter How Thick the Glass, basis e.V. project space, Frankfurt am Main (curated)
Affinités Électives – review, Esse arts+opinions, Montréal (writing)
Showroom, with Simon Bilodeau, Michelle Bui and Katie Rotman, Pied Carré, Montréal
DAAD artist travel-scholarship, Montréal
Is The Peacock Merely Beautiful or Also Honest, with Inga Danysz, Ilia Karilampi and Felix Kultau, fffriedrich, Frankfurt am Main (curated)
Ajar, Galerie Jo van de Loo, Munich (solo)
Take The Same and Repeat, Neue Galerie Landshut (solo)
23. Kunstpreisausstellung, Kunstverein Aichach
Erwin und Gisela von Steiner-Stiftung Prize 2016, Munich
Debütanten Ausstellung, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich
Second Degree, Diplom exhibition at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich
Kritische Massenausstellung, Kunstarkaden, Munich
Moos, Wals Gallery, Munich
Kunstpool 2, Short Time Galerie, Munich
Room for Improvement, Roundabout Collective, Munich
EX-IN-OUT gallery, Exhibition with Garance Arcadias, Munich
Cofounding of the art collective “Roundabout” ( Munich
Jahresausstellung (annual exhibition), Akademie der Bildenden Künste Munich
Kunstpool 1, Short Time Galerie, Munich
24. Auktion, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Munich
Jahresausstellung, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Munich
Artist Comes First, Festival International d’Art de Toulouse
Avant-Premiere, Ecole Superieure des Arts Decoratifs de Strasbourg
Le Salon des 40, Saint-Louis
Master Curatorial Studies, Goethe University and Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main
Diplom as Meisterschülerin, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Munich, Prof. Jean-Marc Bustamante
DNAP, Ecole Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (HEAR), Strasbourg
2009 - 2010
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art (ENSA), Nancy
Studium an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste in München
2013. Klasse Jean-Marc Bustamante.
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